How To Write SEO Friendly Content Blog Fully SEO optimize

If you want to write SEO friendly content?

Well, this can be AN art that may take your journal or your writing career to successive level

Anyone can write an article, but it takes a special kind of practice to write SEO optimized articles. In this article, I will share some tips for writing SEO-optimized articles that will rank better in search engines...


Hello, everyone today I shared about in these blog ways to write SEO friendly content (beginner to advanced). you certainly need to focus on your writing skills so that you can write better and enriched SEO focused content thus attracting more readers...

Table Of Content 

Ways to write SEO friendly Content (beginner to advanced)




The most important factor to consider while writing SEO focused content is to carefully select and identify keywords that you are planning to incorporate in your content. Choose those keywords that are relevant to the topic you have picked and are the user-friendly keywords as well

Make sure that you are adding the keywords in the title, headlines, meta descriptions and in the main structure as well, to make it more readable. You can use Keyword density checker as well to scan the text or URL address, also keywords density should not be more than 1-2% of the overall content.


5 tips for Helping You Choose the right keywords


Picking the right keywords and keyword phrases is one of the most important steps in successful search engine optimization. Increasing traffic to your site is a priority, but attracting the right audience is a necessity. Choosing the most effective keywords to connect with your target market can take time and research, but the results will be worth it.




Use Google AdWords Keyword Tool to research your potential target keywords. With these tools, you can gather data on keyword volume and trends, keyword competition, similar keywords and more.




Long-tail keywords are a combination of three or more words or phrases. While long-tail keywords tend to boast lower search volumes, they generally attract more relevant traffic, are typically less competitive, and easier to rank well on. Choose long-tail keywords that help to specify your product or service.


Identify your target audience and put yourself into the shoes of a customer when you create your initial list of keywords. Ask yourself, 'If I wanted to find one of these products or services, what would I type into Google?'?? You can also consult others, such as friends, family members, or even current customers t to get their opinion on phrases they would use when searching for your products and services.


Make a list of your main competitors and go to their websites to see what keywords they are targeting. Read their content and view their metatags to help identify the keywords they are targeting. Looking at your competitor's keywords will not only help you see what you could be forgetting but also help broaden your list of ideas.


After choosing your keywords don't forget to monitor them and analyze the results. There are often trending keywords or phrases, along with new keywords your competitors may be using. Don't forget to utilize your keywords wherever possible! Insert your keywords

into blog posts, social media posts, and your website's content. The more you use keywords within your content, the easier it will be for your target audience to find you. Let CommonPlaces take a look at your SEO strategy and make recommendations.

2. Post Meta Description

 Every WordPress SEO plugin allows you to add meta descriptions to a post. These descriptions play a major role in search engine ranking.

In 156 characters, you need to add your keywords and create a description that is seductive enough for users to click on it.

If you have not added meta descriptions in the past, you should start doing it immediately. Make sure to add your main keyword in the meta description and make it intent-driven.

Meta descriptions are very important. You should go back to any of your previously published posts that do not have a meta description and add one.

 By optimizing your post meta descriptions, you are ensuring that every post you write has the potential to drive a maximum amount of traffic to your site.

Google sees every blog post as a different web page so you can rank every post for certain keywords. Meta descriptions are great places to put keywords.

3. Length of the article


497…498…499…500 words! Time to hit publish. 500 isn’t the magic number for a top Google ranking, increased social shares, or KPI busting conversions. Let’s look into some statistics about word count and its correlation to your bottom line.

The Average Word Count of Top-Ranked Searches

According to Search engine land, longer content — over 1,000 words — helps websites show up in search results. Forbes says that an average of 600–700 words choice. Forbes also calls sites with less than 300 words per page 'thin' by Google standards

Google defines thin content ascontent with little or no added value.” It may be heavy with keywords, but the sentences may not make sense or read as if they were written for the sole purpose of containing keywords. The content may even be copied from other pages or websites.

 4. Type of content

Also, put your target keyword in the Google search to see what kind of articles are currently ranking. This is part of the research and will help you understand what kind of article Google thinks is better for such queries.

5. Post Title and Meta Title

First, you need to understand the difference between post title and meta title.

The “post title” is the headline for the actual post itself. ... The “meta title” is the title for your webpage. It gives search engines a brief description of its contents. It's visible at the top of the page tab in many web browsers — it is saved as the title of a book if the user saves it.

If you have not specified a meta title in your SEO settings, your post title will be treated as the meta title.

Keep your post titles less than 66 characters

6. Post Titles To Readers And Search Engines

As bloggers, when we write a post, we write a catchy title in the hope that it increases the CTR (because readers love to click on things with catchy titles). 

But one problem with this approach is if you optimize your post title for readers, you miss out on one of the most important aspects of post titles: Search Engine Optimization (aka SEO). 

I have talked a lot about the importance of keyword research, how to perform keyword research and tools you can use for keyword research. Once we have our target keyword(s) in hand, it’s time to write some high-quality content keeping both – readers and search engines – in mind. 

Our target is to write reader-oriented content, but also search engine friendly. We should apply basic on-page optimization techniques, and use plugins like SEOpressor.

Published on: 10/14/19, 10:05 PM